
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Moldy leather sofa and how to handle it

Many families like to decorate their homes with leather furniture. Leather furniture such as sofas exudes luxury, modernity and sophistication to the home space. But do leather sofas get moldy when the house is damp? The following article will help you answer this question.

Moldy leather sofa and how to handle it

Do leather sofas get moldy when the house is damp?

Leather sofas have the characteristic of absorbing moisture and are easy to clean. The surface of the sofa is smooth and shiny, so stains are easily cleaned, even mold caused by the weather.

In houses with high humidity, not only sofas but also other furniture is susceptible to moisture and damage, especially wooden furniture. However, with the outstanding properties of leather, it absorbs moisture easily, so the possibility of mold is less. Therefore, you should not worry too much about whether leather sofas get moldy when the house is damp.

Leather sofas come in two types: genuine leather sofas and imitation leather sofas. Genuine leather sofa products are always guaranteed in quality, genuine leather sofa material absorbs moisture well, not easily moldy even when the house is humid. If your family has economic conditions, you can buy genuine leather sofas.

Faux leather sofas are no less than genuine leather sofas. Faux leather is produced using modern technology with many different colors and good moisture resistance. Therefore, this is also the perfect choice for families with small children or humid indoor environments.

If unfortunately the leather sofas are moldy, you can completely clean them in the following ways.

Ways to clean moldy leather sofas

There are many ways to deal with moldy leather sofas, below we would like to introduce to you simple and easy-to-do ways.

1. Use white vinegar

The first way you can do to remove mold on the surface of a leather sofa is to use white vinegar. You just need to mix a little vinegar in clean water and use a soft cloth dipped in water to clean the mold. Vinegar has effective disinfecting and odor removal properties, mold will not have a chance to return.

2. Use white wine

If one day you see mold stains on your expensive leather sofa, don't worry. Use wine mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the entire surface of the chair. The alcohol in wine helps to deodorize and kill mold effectively.

3. Use baking soda

Do leather sofas often get moldy when the house is damp? If you see mold stains on the surface of the chair, don't ignore the cleaning ingredient, baking soda. Baking soda, like vinegar and wine, has an effective cleaning effect, especially against mold without affecting the quality of the product or the leather surface of the sofa. You can mix it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. Then wipe it again with a dry cloth, avoiding water sticking to the surface of the chair.


With just the above tips, you can freely decorate your home and find ways to preserve and clean the sofa for your family's living room.

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